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Assist customers to optimize formula and create value for customers
Date:2019-02-23 15:16:45
Technical Engineer Review:
On May 28, 2018, we visited our customer Jiangmen ** Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. in order to find out if there are any problems in the process of using our products, so as to solve them in time.
In the communication with customers, we found that the customer had a flame retardant PP with UL94 V-0 grade of 1.5mm thickness. 32 copies of HF-900A were added to the customer's formula. According to our product evaluation data, it should not be necessary to add such a high weight. After further communication, we learned that because the customer was not familiar with anti-dripping agents, we did not follow our product instructions. It is suggested to add anti-dripping agent. In fact, for intumescent flame retardant system, adding appropriate anti-dropping agent can reduce the amount of flame retardant added.
Finally, we introduced a kind of anti-dripping agent that we have been using to our customers. After testing, adding 0.2 phr of anti-dripping lag, reducing the amount of HF-900A to 28 phr can meet the customer's standard, which not only reduces the cost of raw materials for customers, but also improves the mechanical properties of customers'products. General Wang, the technical director of the customer company, praised us for putting the interests of our customers first and promised to keep long-term cooperation with us.
Fyrol PNX
Quality recognized by many modification plants
Flame retardant for polypropylene has won the favor of many modified factories because of its excellent quality, fair price and good service. Let's understand the characteristics of this product.
Halogen-free flame retardant HF-900 series product characteristics:
Low Density of Modified Materials
Low dosage (24-32%)
Excellent Processing Performance
Good mechanical properties
Good color stability
Halogen-free environmental protection
High Efficiency Flame Retardant (UL94 V-0.75 mm)

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